a little message from The Divine

I had a particularly crappy weekend. Nothing major… just a weekend filled with stuff that was… well, crappy. You know, when nothing goes exactly the way you want it to. It all happens just not as quickly, or as slowly or as perfect as you’d like.

But today… even though i woke with my back and knees hurting, seeing something the cat barfed up in the middle of the night and realizing I’d left the laundry in the washer and not dried it…

I am in a good mood.
I mean, a really good mood.

Occasionally I happen to have my camera with me in the car and today was one of those days. I was able to grab a pic of a nice little reminder from The Divine while I was fighting the Houston traffic this morning.

So to all my fellow bloggers who need a little help on this Monday. Here’s a little public service announcement coming from The Divine via the streets of Houston, Texas. (see pics below)

Be happy y’all. 🙂

5 responses to “a little message from The Divine

  1. Oh please transfer some of that good mood my way!

  2. i needed that, i really needed that….

  3. oh, i meant to tell you thank you; sincerely, thank you

  4. Oh that’s great! Sometimes I need to tell myself that I am happy and after awhile I find that I am. I’m glad to hear that you are in a good mood.

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