when life gets in the way Part 2

Part 2 of when life gets in the way


So I met this person in a “the-fates-had-it-out-for-us” sort of way. We both by chance happened to be at a party that was being held far from where we both live. We immediately recognized each other as we had met about three years early during a project we were both working on as independent contractors. That earlier encounter also felt as though the fates were moving us mere mortals around on their chess board.

So at the party, she had a proposition for me. She asked if I could help her work on a project with her and her husband. They’re trying to get the project completed before mid-August and with production times factored in it needs to be finished soon and so they need help. So… the fates have created a legitimate situation where I can be in contact with her.


During the past couple of weeks I’ve seen her four times… (along with her husband and a couple of other partners that are involved to work out the details of this rush project). I’ve also talked with her on the phone for hours at a time… catching up, talking about the project and about life in general and the curves it sometimes throws. The several hours of conversations have reinforced an already strong connection. You ever felt that?…. an immediate strong connection with someone just after meeting? That’s how this is but at the same time something feels…

I don’t know… not quite right. [ugh… deist holds his gut. There’s that yuck feeling again]

I’m supposed to see her and the others again tonight. We’re all meeting at her place (like I said in the previous post, this couple lives in separate homes). It’s kinda weird. They’re going through a divorce but one would never know by the way they are together.

I feel sick to my stomach. I can’t help but look at her but at the same time know i need to stop. I really need to stop.

I had a buddy of mine who said something to me when I got divorced several years ago. He said, “Jules… you’ve been given a second chance. I know this is rough what you’re going through but you HAVE a second chance to find that person who is really, REALLY right for you. Be discriminating as you choose.”

He said it almost as if in resignation that he had not chosen well and was envious of my position.

My re-acquainted friend said to me during one of our conversations something along the same lines. She said “by moving out I’ve been getting my self esteem back and have discovered i value myself too much to let him or anyone treat me the way I’ve been treated.”


From that statement and my friend’s words I should probably make that MY mantra. I value myself so much I will be discriminating when choosing my next mate.

Or perhaps I should keep this in mind: (guys say this one a LOT ladies) For every woman out there… there are at least three guys who are tired of putting up with her shit!

[ugh… deist grabs gut again and thinks to himself “there goes that yuck feeling again”]

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